Is it permissible for a Muslim to participate in democratic elections?
O Muslim! Allah created us and sent us to earth. He has also sent down a book, namely the Holy Qur'an. In this book He informs people about their duties and how to fulfill them. He tells us the following: "And I have created the Jinns and men only whereupon they serve Me." [Sura 51, verse 56]
O servants of Allah! As we know, even the denial or refusal of a single verse from the Koran is blasphemy ("Kufr"). Currently, democratic and secular/secular states or countries deny or refuse many verses of the Koran. Example: Our Lord tells us in the Sura Yusuf the following:
„Sovereignty belongs to none but Allah.“ [Sura Yusuf (12), Verse 40]
Democratic and secular/laicist systems, on the other hand, say, "Sovereignty belongs unconditionally to the nation" and thus deny or reject Allah's verse.
For this reason, democratic, secular/laicist and similar systems are Kufr systems. And whoever supports, confirms or supports or votes for someone within this system bends to the Kufr, which in turn leads a person to the Kufr. This means, therefore, that PARTICIPATION IN ELECTIONS is SCHIRK (idolatry).
The answers of the Koran to important questions:
With regard to statements such as "If we do not vote, then ideology/thinking X will come to power", "If we do not vote, then the country/state will get worse" or "We vote to be helpful to Islam and the Muslims".So if our goal is to serve and worship Allah's religion, let our Lord also set the limits of our ministries. Allah informs us as follows: While they were not ordered but to worship Allah, making their submission exclusive for him with no deviation, and to establish Salah and pay Zakah . That is the way of the straight religion. (5) [Sura Al-Bayyina (98), Verse 5]
Our Lord wants us to worship Him in a form that is"„Hanīf". "Hanif" means to worship / serve away from Schirk (idolatry or polytheism). Such worship alone is required.
Would the good intentions of a person who sins with good intentions turn something that is"„Halāl"? NO! In this sense, the good intention to help the nation and the country by voting democratic and secular/secular systems and their parties does not save them from falling into the "Kufr". Because an worship is required of us that is „HANĪF" and far from the Schirk. This means that the PARTICIPATION IN ELECTIONS is KUFR.
Our obligation is no more than to convey the message clearly.” (17) [Sura Ya-Seen (36), Verse 17]
Whoever breaks away with the Messenger after the right path has become clear to him, and follows what is not the way of the believers, We shall let him have what he chose, and We shall admit him to Jahannam, which is an evil place to return. (115) [Sura 4 An-Nisa (4), Verse 115]
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