
The „Chain-Takfir“

Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds, The All-Merciful, the Very-Merciful and peace and blessings, be upon the last and best of all messengers, Muhammad (saws).

One can observe nowadays that the topic of conversation 'Takfir on the Adhir'' or ''chain takfir'' loops around in everyone's mouths. Everybody's talking. Everyone wants to be some part of this topic of conversation to defend their Shaykh or for other reasons. Many, however, talk without evidence and without having dealt with this topic for a long time. I will touch on the topic inshaALLAH with evidence, so that I will - if ALLAH (swt) will - lighten up the dark discussions. Two questions that often arise are mainly answered here:

  1. is there a chain takfir, so the rule ''Who doesn't say kafir to the kafir is a kafir''?
  2. if this rule exists, when, to which kuffar and how is it to be applied?

With the performance of the scholars mentioned below, I will first of all prove that this rule exists and that it has a place in Islam: Said Havva (rha): He who does not say kafir to the kafir or doubt his kuffr is a kafir [El-Islam, p. 122]

Kadi Iyaz (rha): Anyone who does not speak Takfir to the Jews, Christians or to those who have left the religion of Islam (Murtaddeen) (so do not say Kafir to them), in which Takfir hesitates or doubts them, becomes Kafir. [Eb-Sifa, bi Ta'rifi Hukuki'l Mustafa, p.846]

So we see that by not doing a takfir on the person who did this, if there is an obvious Kuffr, you fall into Kuffr yourself. But what is the reason for this?
The illa of the Kuffrs of those who do not speak the takfir on those who commit obvious Kuffr is that they, about one thing or one person, where ALLAH (swt) and his messenger (saws) have already fallen over a Hukm, (which they give them) another Hukm. An that´s Kufr!

e.g. Abdulmunim (rha) says about it: Abdulmunim (rha): The reason for the Kuffr of those who do not say Kafir to the Kafir is that they have given the creatures another Hukm than the Hukm of Sharia and thus contradicted Allah's Hukm.

As you can see, it is a clear Kuffr not to pronounce a takfir on those on whom ALLAH (swt) has obviously pronounced the takfir in the Koran! For example, there are obvious verses about Pharaoh being a kafir. Just as Pharaoh's Kuffr is obviously described in the Qur'an, so are Obvious Verses that those who do not rule by the laws of Allah are Kuffar. If someone does not speak a Takfir on such one, the Obvious Verses of Allah have therefore been denied what is Kuffr al-Akbar . Therefore: Whoever does not say Kafir to the Kafir becomes Kafir!

Now could some people say'Yes, but why make the takfir on someone who doesn't make a takfir on Erdogan, when they have doubts about the hadis like Kuffr duna Kuffr etc.''' Here is what I have to say:

  1. It is Farzi Ayn to know the Taghut to reject it, otherwise you are not a Muslim! (Bakara; 256, see in this regard the Tafsir of Imam Qurtubi and Abul A'la Maududi (rahimahumullah)))
  2. There is no excuse in the matter of the takfir on the Taghut and his followers, because all the prophets and messengers have come because of it. (see Sura An-Nahl, 36 and Sura Al-Anbiya, 25)

It is to be recognized clearly and clearly that the two prophets who are described to us in the Koran as ''best example'', thus the prophet Muhammad (saws) and Ibrahim (a.s), even first of all renounced themselves from the idolaters, and afterwards only from Kuffr and Shirk (!!!)

ALLAH (swt) says in the noble Koran: 
Indeed, there is an excellent example for you in Ibrahim and those with him, when they said to their people, “We disown you and what you worship instead of Allah. We disbelieve in you. Enmity and hatred has arisen between us and you forever, unless you believe in Allah alone”,__ but (his example is) not (to be followed) in what Ibrahim said to his father, “I will pray to my Lord for your forgiveness, and I have no power from Allah (to do any thing) for you.” __ “O our Lord, in You alone we trust, and to You alone we turn for help, and to You is the final return. (4) [Sura Al-Mumtahina (60), Verse 4]

Say, “O disbelievers, (1)I do not worship that which you worship, (2)Nor do you worship the One whom I worship.(3)And neither I am going to worship that which you have worshipped,(4)Nor will you worship the One whom I worship. (5)For you is your faith, and for me, my faith.”(6)
[Sura Kafiroon (109), Verse 1-6]

And also to take a close look at the following verse regarding the unknowledge:
And when We shook the Mount above them as it were a covering, and they supposed that it was going to fall upon them (and We said): Hold fast that which We have given you, and remember that which is therein, that ye may ward off (evil). (171)And (remember) when thy Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam, from their reins, their seed, and made them testify of themselves, (saying): Am I not your Lord? They said: Yea, verily. We testify. (That was) lest ye should say at the Day of Resurrection: Lo! of this we were unaware; (172)Or lest ye should say: (It is) only (that) our fathers ascribed partners to Allah of old and we were (their) seed after them. Wilt Thou destroy us on account of that which those who follow falsehood did? (173)Thus we detail the revelations, that haply they may return. (174) [Sura 7 Verse 171-174]

One can read in every tafsir of classical scholars such as Ibn Kathir, Imam Baghawi, Ar-Razi, Bayhaki etc. that they have always confirmed under this verse that the unknowledge in the Schirk is not excused.
 And also from the statements of the listed scholars we see that even the doubt about someone's obvious Kuffr leads to you becoming a Kafir yourself. Now we continue with the statements of the scholars or Fatawa:

Sheykh Velid b. Rasid es-Sueydan: Has a book called ''El-Icmau'l-Akdi'' where has listed all matters in the area of Aqida, what the Ulama Icma did about and there is also the rule ''Ve Mey-yukaffirel kafir, fehuve kafir''!

Kadi Iyaz (rha):
We declare the Takfir to those who in the Takfir belong to religions other than Islam, do not declare Takfir, hesitate in the Takfir, have doubts or believe that their path is right. Such are Kuffar, no matter how often they say they are Muslims or try to show their ''Islam'' or even say that everything but Islam is Batil. Because the faith they carry in their hearts (not pronouncing takfir on the kafir) contradicts what they say. [Eb-Sifa, bi Ta'rifi Hukuki'l Mustafa, p.846]

Ibn Taymiyyyah (rha): Anyone who doubts the Kuffr of those who pronounce or do the obvious Kuffr has lost the neck ruff of Islam. [Es-Sarimul Meslul, p. 523]

Imam Newevi (rha): Anyone who does not speak Takfir to those who do not belong to the religion of Islam (meaning all who commit Schirk), or who doubts them in the Takfir, or believes that their way (Deen) is not wrong, is a Kafir. Whether he says he is Muslim or accepts the religion of Islam. [Ravdatu't-Talibin, B.10 p.70]

Suleyman bin Abdullah (rha): In the Qur'an and the Sunnah it was clearly declared that the takfir is on the kuffar'Sart'. Who from now on still doubts not to pronounce a takfir on those who do not pronounce a takfir on them (i.e. the kuffar), or who doubts their takfir, has become Kafir with Ijma the scholar. Because doubting the Kuffr of those whose Kuffr is obvious is Kuffr.'' [El-Vela vel Bera, p. 67]

Sheykh Ebu Batin (rha): The scholars have made Icma that the person who does not see the Jews and Christians as kuffar is a kafir.
[El-Intisar li Hizbillahi'l-Muwahhidin, p.32]

Don't forget it's still about the rule ''Ve mellem-yukaffirel Kafir fehuve Kafir''

Velid b.Rasid es-Sueydan (rha): The scholars have made Icma that the person who does not speak takfir of the kuffar and muschrikun is a kafir in their kuffr or accepts  their way as correct.'' [El-Icmau'l-Akdi, p.54, the 374th point]

Imam Azam Abu Hanifa (rha): He was asked;'What about those who say I don't know if the kafir is a kafir?He answered; he is a kafir like him'' [Fiqhul Absat, p.51]

Abdullah el-Eseri: The scholars of the Ahlu-Sunnah wal Jamah were very careful with the Takfir al-Muayyen and they were against that those people without knowledge about the Takfir do Takfir and have said that this is a dangerous matter. However, the scholars did not have this attitude against those who have made takfir on people whose Kuffr were obvious. Because the clear evidence of Koran and Sunnah show that on those takfir must be made the obvious Kuffr say and do. The scholars had no doubt in this respect. In such a way that they assigned the Takfir to the Kafir for Aslud-Deen and pronounced the Takfir on those who did not pronounce the Takfir on the Kafir or on those who doubted in their Kuffr. This reaction of them is not out of their desire, but this shows their servanthood to Allah and their El vela vel Bera understanding.'' [El-Iman, Hakikatuhu, Havarimuhu, Nevakiduhu, p. 129]

Ali bin Naif (rha): It is of Aslud-Deen to pronounce the Takfir on those who do not believe in what the Prophet (saws) has brought, like the Jews, Christians and Muschrikun. And it is also of Aslud-Deen to call them Kafir, to believe that they are the enemies of Allah and His Messenger, and that they will go to Hell for ever. 
[El-Mufassal fi'r-Reddi ala Subuhati A'dai'l-Islam, p.82]

Sheykh Ebu Humam El-Eseri (rha): Whoever in Seytan, Firaun, Hamman, Ebu Leheb, Ebu Jahl, Ebu Talib and to all those whose Kuffr is clear and unambiguous in the Qur'an and the Sunnah does not pronounce a takfir has become Kafir because he has denied revelation.''

Ebu Zer'a Ar-Razi (rha): ''He who believes that the Koran was created is Kafir and he who doubts his Kuffr is also a Kafir. [El-Kevkebu'd-Durriyu'l-Munir, p.11]

Now there are people who say that the rule ''He who does not say Kafir to the Kafir is a Kafir'' only Ibn Taymiyya and Muhammed ibn Abdulwahhab have applied. None of the Salaf would have done this. I say to this that this only confirms the ignorance of these people who claim such a thing. Therefore, the following scholars from the Salaf, who also used the chain takfir:

Sufyan bin Uyeyne (Emirul Mu'minin rha) died 198 A.H., said: The Qur'an is the word of Allah. Who should say the Koran is created is a kafir. Whoever doubts his Kuffr is also a Kafir. [Abdullah ibn Ahmed ibn Hambel, with a Sahih Sened in Eb-Sunne, p.25]

Ibn Hayseme (rha) says exactly the same thing: In his book ''Serhu Usuli Itiqadi Ahlu Sunnati wal Jamah'', volume 2, p.256, number, 430

Ebu Bakr bin Ayas El Mukri (rha) died 194 said: Who says the Qur'an is created is a kafir and who does not make a takfir on him is also a kafir.[Narrated by El-Lalekai in his book Usuli Itikaqadi Ahlu Sunnati wal Jamah, B. 2, p. 250, number,412]

Ibn Hajjar (rha): Imam Beyhaki says: "El-Halvani has not pronounced a takfir on the one who doubted whether the Koran was created or not.He continues:'I asked Seleme bin Sebib (great Muhaddis in Mecca 247 A.D.) about el-Halvani's statement. He replied:'This statement belongs in the bin. Who doesn't say kafir to the kafir is a kafir. 
[Ibn Hajjar, Et-Tehzib, vol. 2, p. 303]

Hatib El Baghdadi (rha) tells exactly the same story: In his book ''Tarihul Baghdadi'' B. 7, p. 365

Ebu Zur'a Ubeydullah bin Abdulkerim Ar-Razi (rha) died 264 A.H. said: Whoever claims the Koran is created has become Kafir with a Kuffr who brings you out of Islam. Who doubts his Kuffr is also a kafir.

Ebu Hatim Muhammed bin Idris Ar-razi died 277, says exactly the same. (Lalekai rha, As-Sunnah, volume 2, p.256, number, 430)

Ebu Bakr bin Ayas El Mukri (rha) died 194, said: Who says the Qur'an is created is a kafir and who does not make a takfir on him is also a kafir.[Narrated by El-Lalekai in his book Usuli Itikaqadi Ahlu Sunnati wal Jamah, B. 2, p. 250, number,412]


So after we have seen that the Chain Takfir has a place in Islam and that this did not only exist in the time of the Khalaf scholars, but also in the time of the Salaf, we will now look together when and to which Kuffar this rule is applied:
Who to which Kafir does not say Kafir becomes Kafir?

To use the chain takfir, the Kuffr must be obvious. As can be seen from the statements of the Ulama.
The evidence of Sharia law is divided into 2! Subut and Delalet! These two are divided into two, whether they are Kat'i or Zanni!

Explanation of the terms:
Subut = source (authenticity of the source) (Koran or Mutevatir Hadis)
Delalet = meaning of the statement (whether the statements of the Koran and Sunnah are clear or ambiguous/ Muhkem or Muteschabih)
Kat'i = Unambiguousness
Zanni = Ambiguous

Chain takfir is only done in matters where the Subut and the Delalet are Kat'i!!!

e.g. says ALLAH (swt) in the noble Koran: Verily those who say Allah is the Messiah, the son of Marija'' (Sura Al Ma'ida, 72)
Verily those who say Allah is the third of the three are unbelievers'' (Sura Al Ma'ida, 73)

So whoever should contradict this clear proof of the Koran (Subut), this clear statement (Delalet) and say:''I cannot make a takfir on Christians or ''I have doubts''', has therefore become a kafir alone. And the takfir on these is Vacib. And also on the 3. and 4. etc. Here it is necessary to make the chain takfir because this person has rejected a clear and unequivocal judgment of ALLAH (swt), whose subute and Delalet Kat'i is.

Who to which Kafir does not say Kafir becomes Kafir?

To use the chain takfir, the Kuffr must be obvious. As can be seen from the statements of the Ulama. The evidence of Sharia law is divided into 2! Subut and Delalet! These two are divided into two, whether they are Kat'i or Zanni!

Explanation of the terms:
Subut = source (authenticity of the source) (Koran or Mutevatir Hadis)
Delalet = meaning of the statement (whether the statements of the Koran and Sunnah are clear or ambiguous/ Muhkem or Muteschabih)
Kat'i = Unambiguousness
Zanni = Ambiguous

Chain takfir is only done in matters where the Subut and the Delalet are Kat'i!!!

e.g. says ALLAH (swt) in the noble Koran:

Verily those who say Allah is the Messiah, the son of Marija'' (Sura Al Ma'ida, 72)
Verily those who say Allah is the third of the three are unbelievers'' (Sura Al Ma'ida, 73)

So whoever should contradict this clear proof of the Koran (Subut), this clear statement (Delalet) and say:''I cannot make a takfir on Christians or ''I have doubts''', has therefore become a kafir alone. And the takfir on these is Vacib. And also on the 3. and 4. etc. Here it is necessary to make the chain takfir because this person has rejected a clear and unequivocal judgment of ALLAH (swt), whose subute and Delalet Kat'i is.

Where don't you do chain takfir?
In matters:
where the Subut Kat'i and Delalet Zan'i is!
where the Subut Zanni and Delalet Kat'i is!
where the Subut Zanni and Delalet Zanni is!

e.g. in the topic whether the one who does not pray is a kafir or not. Or in the example of Hajjaji Zalim.

Do chain takfir only work with Kuffar Asliyyun?

Here's the answer, no! For Musaylamatul Kadhab, the false prophet, was before Muslim and only later became Kafir, thus Murtad and nevertheless the scholars have said who does not see him as Kafir or has doubts about his Kuffr, is himself a Kafir! Here is a statement by Imam Baghawi to the Tafsir of Sura Al A'raf in the 30. verse that the Kuffar Asliyun and Kuffar Murtaddeen get the same verdict:

 This Aya is clear proof that the ignorant who think they are on the true religion (Kuffar Murtaddeen) and those Kuffar who consciously deny it or do it out despite it (Kuffar Asliyun) get the same judgment.'.

The pseudo-argument of Hajjaji Zalim
Imam Tavus pronounced the takfir on Hajjaj and testified that he is a kafir. Among them also; Said b. Jubayr, Ibrahim en-nekhai, Mucahid and Imam Sa'bi. Then there were people who did not pronounce takfir on him; Ibn Umar, Anās ibn Mālik and other companions, al-Ḥāsan al-Baṣrī, Muḥammād ibn Ṣirīn and other Fuqaha from al-Kufa [Ṭahdhīb aṭ-Ṭahdhīb (2/211)]

Imam Tavus says:'I wonder about my brothers in Iraq. They see Hajjaj as a Mu'min. [Kava'id fi't-Takfir, p. 257]

Now people come and say; Imam Tavus has spoken the takfir on Hajjaj but not on those who have not spoken the takfir on him. This means that the rule ''He who does not say Kafir to the Kafir will Kafir'' is not true. I say to this:The reason for this is that there is no Ijma about whether Hajjaji Zalim is a kafir or not! There is Ihtilaf about it. That's why you can't use the chain takfir here either!

Where do we make the chains Takfir related to today?

  1. To those who do not rule by the laws of Allah! Because the Kuffr of those who do not judge by the laws of ALLAH (swt) is an obvious Kuffr. See e.g. the following verses with their tafsir:
  • - Maida;44, Kehf;26, Maida; 51
  1. To those who vote for these rulers! Because their Kuffr is also an obvious Kuffr. See e.g. the following verses with their table sirens:
  • - Tauba;31, Enam;121, Schems;14, Yusuf;40

We are in a position to go into the above points and pseudo-arguments in more detail and to support them with the Islamic sources.


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